For Students: Getting Started

For Students: Getting Started

Getting Started

Five things to know as you get started in UVACanvas:


  1. Make sure you can log in.

    Log in to UVACanvas using your NetBadge credentials. (Need help with NetBadge?) 

    Students at UVA Wise: Before you can log in to UVACanvas, you will need to activate your UVA NetBadge loginFor help, contact UVA-Wise Technology Support Services at 276-376-4509. 

  2. Know how to get UVACanvas help.

    You have access to 24/7 support!To get help, log in to UVACanvas and click Help in the main navigation. Alternately, you can select one of the options like Live Chat on the Help page.

    Virtual Drop-In Sessions are also available to help you get started. View the schedule and topics

  3. A new mobile app is available.

    Visit the App Store or Google Play and search for "Canvas Student." To connect your app to UVACanvas, tap “Find my School” and search for “University of Virginia (UVA).” With the UVACanvas mobile app, you can quickly view grades and announcements and send messages. 

  4. You can update your preferred name as you customize your UVACanvas profile.

    Preferred names in UVACanvas populate based on your settings in our UVA Identity Access Management system.

    You can add your profile picture, bio, websites, and pronouns right in your UVACanvas account profile. 

  5. Our move to UVACanvas is complete!

    Previously, you may have needed to use more than one learning system to access your various course sites, such as UVACanvas, UVACollab, Moodle, Blackboard, or your school's current Canvas. This was a temporary step as we completed a multi-semester transition. Beginning with the Fall 2023 semester, your courses will be using our central online learning system, UVACanvas.

    (Note: School of Law and Darden School of Business will continue to use on their own local school Canvas systems.)

Need help with Canvas? Visit Getting Help for 24/7 support.